Sunday, 10 March 2013

Culture day notice

Wednesday 27th March

9.50 am Opening Ceremony: Ilam School Grounds
10.15 am Parade of Nations
11.00 am Concert - Ilam School Hall
12.15 pm Shared Lunch: Ilam School Grounds
1.30 pm In-class activities
Start thinking about …..

  • What you can wear as your Cultural Day costume (see notes below).
  • Food you could bring from your culture for a shared lunch.
  • A concert item you may like to perform.
If your child (or children) would like to perform in the Cultural Day Concert please complete the form below, or email by Friday 15th March.

Parents are very welcome to perform with their children. You can organise a group of children to perform together. All items are limited to a maximum of three minutes. If you need longer for your item please see Ms Brooker.

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My child can _________________________________________________________________

Child’s Name _______________________________

Room _________

I can _______________________________________________________________________________

My group can ______________________________________________________________________

My Name _________________________ Contact

phone number ___________

Email: ____________________________________________

Please return this form to the office by FRIDAY 15 MARCH, (this form can be found in the March 7th school newsletter).

Notes for Parents :

Please talk to your child about their ancestry. Many children will have dual cultures and it is important that this is discussed so that your child understands their identity and the gift that they have growing up in two or more cultures.

Children will parade behind national flags. If your child has dual ethnicity, decide on which flag your child wants to walk behind.

Dress your child in clothes that depict this country or they could be dressed showing their dual cultures by putting both flags and symbols on a t-shirt or hat. Clothes can range from a headband with the name of the country on it to full traditional dress.

Think about the food your child will bring for the shared lunch. Each child needs to bring a plate of food to share, a named plate, fork or spoon and their own drink in a named bottle 

Children will still need to wear a hat on Cultural Day as we will be outside for the opening ceremony and parade.

Offer to share your culture, in the weeks leading up to Cultural Day, in your child’s classroom by reading a traditional story, talking to the class about your country, demonstrate cooking a traditional dish for the class or bring treasures to show the children.


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